Quinn Strikwerda


Pastor Quinn joined the team of ICPM in June of 2020. He brings to the job experience in pastoring several churches, working as a chaplain in AB Corrections, and a variety of ministry focused on poverty reduction and reconciliation. His passion is sharing the extraordinary and challenging news of what God is doing in the world in and through Jesus Christ; healing the sick, lifting up the poor and needy, and bringing justice, peace, love, and joy to a world in desperate need of them.  Quinn lives with his wife Maddie and two sons, Sam and Liam. He enjoys time with family, camping, hiking, growing stuff, being with diverse people, and life-long learning. He strives to be anti-racist and pro-LGBTQ2+ in all he says and does.

Reach Quinn at 780.719.1548. 

Ministry Team and Directors

Maria Kruszewski

Pastoral Associate

Maria came to volunteer with ICPM in late 2020 and immediately fell in love with the Community of Emmanuel. She began attending every Sunday, took on the Lunch Coordinator role in 2021, and soon found herself “back-up singer” to musician Farley Magee. When Farley died in 2024, she started bringing her guitar to lead music and was invited to become Associate Pastor in January 2025. With a degree in Religious Education, over 30 years experience as music minister, and skills in leading retreats and workshops, she finds much joy in offering her gifts to the Community of Emmanuel. Maria has a deep desire for social justice, and loves her family, music, the great outdoors, gardening and writing.

Reach Maria via the office phone, 780.424.7652. 

Support Team

Misha van Thienen

Design | Marketing | Admin

I support with administration, design, and marketing.  I am a seminary student, business owner, cat mom, and full-time wheelchair user, so life is never boring.  I've served lunch at ICPM as part of my church community and I've come for lunch at times in my life when I was hungry and without a home.  I am so thankful that God has opened a door for me to serve a community I feel so intimately a part of!

Heather and Courtney Shaw

Lunch Coordinator

About Heather and Courtney

Verna Fisher

Knowledge Keeper

Verna is a Cree woman living in Edmonton who is the Knowledge Keeper for the Community of Emmanuel. She is a member of the George Gordon First Nation in southern Saskatchewan. Currently Verna is collaborating with Papaschase Elder Fernie Marty on a project called New Beginnings, a non-profit Indigenous cultural society. Verna leads Standing Stones services at the Community of Emmanuel on the fourth Sunday of every month and leads the Community in some cultural activities. She is deeply fed by her Cree spiritual tradition. She is passionate about the members of our Emmanuel Community, about supporting them and about facilitating Creator’s wholeness in all of life.

Annie Johnson

Coffee Coordinator

Annie Johnson has been a member of the Community of Emmanuel since childhood. She is currently serving as the Sunday morning Coffee Coordinator.


Glen ArganChairRoman Catholic
Victoria WynnSecretaryUnited
Cathy ArmstrongTreasurerAnglican
Heather ShawLunch CoordinatorLutheran
Ann MathesonDirectorAnglican
Rev. Colin MillangDirectorLutheran
Paul VanderhamDirectorRoman Catholic
Mary MolloyDirectorRoman Catholic
Andrew JimangaDirectorAffiliation @ Large


Board of Directors

ICPM holds their AGM